— publications

— publications

shūgendō: the ineffable wakefulness of nature

kūjō shakujō kaisetsu / commentary on the kūjō shakujō 

• shūgen in thirty three sections

shūgen nyūmon; buddhism from the perspective of shugen

• See also: library

— sādhanā / ritual-procedure texts (translations) 

• The ritual procedure dedicated to the great ascetic bodhisattva

• The ritual procedure of observing the seed-syllable A and moon-disc

• The ritual procedure for water ablution and waterfall practice

• The ritual procedure for interruption during practice

• The ritual procedure dedicated to hungry ghosts

• The ritual procedure for the nine syllables

• The ritual procedure for entering the mountain and valleys

• The ritual procedure of the  dharma conch

• The ritual procedure of the morning and evening liturgies

• The ritual procedure for incense homa

• The ritual procedure of mindful-recitation dedicated to Acalanātha Vidyārāja

• The ritual procedure for offerings

• The ritual procedure of mindful-recitation dedicated to Vaiśravaṇa

• The ritual procedure of mindful-recitation dedicated to Avalokiteśvara-Ekadaśamukha

• The ritual procedure of mindful-recitation dedicated to Bhaiṣajyaguru

• The ritual procedure of mindful-recitation dedicated to Mahākāla 

• The ritual procedure for establishing the order of the day

• The ritual for the divine method of the foundation-pillars.

— current translation projects:
Shūgen Senpō Working Group.

Horagai Ryūra-Sahō & Mountain Entry Procedures.

• Learning from An Account of Shugen in Thirty-Three Sections.

• Learning from the Collection on the Essential Practices of Shugen.

• A Commentary on the Ritual Procedures for the Eighteen Methods.
• A Commentary on the Ritual Procedures for the Roaring-Homa Method.

• A Commentary on the Ritual Procedures for Establishing the Order of the Day.
• A Commentary on the Homa Dedicated to Acalanātha Vidyārāja.

A Commentary on the Dai-Saitō Homa.

• An Annotated Translation of the Tales of En no Gyōja.

Approaching Sanpō Daikōjin.

• An Outline of Haguro Shugen
• An Outline of Shugendo (Translation)